
CONGRESS BRATISLAVA 27.9. - 29.9.2007

On this page you find several informations and some of the presentions brought forward on the Congress. You can download them here.

The list of participants can be downloaded here

Please find the Bratislava presentations:
Clean Site System by Xavier Lhoir
Bratislava Summit Conclusion by Marnix Van Hoe
Pallet Study by Geert Segers
Better buidling logistics by Paul Kuypers
Pallets by Stan Bowes

We are pleased to inform you that if you like to see various photos from the Ufemat congress in Bratislava, you should clic here .
The Bratislava Summit


Please find from left to right:
Stan Bowes, president of EPAL (European Pallet Association),
the vice-presidents of Ufemat Geert Segers from the Netherlands and Giuseppe Freri from Italy,
the president of Ufemat Géraud Spire from France,
the president of the Slovakian federation ZOSS Frantisek Korcek,
the president of Fema Jean Carlin from Belgium
and the General Secretary of Ufemat Marnix Van Hoe from Belgium.